Gi Metal GOLD LINE- Alluminium, Rectangular, Perforated Pizza Peel 33cm / 186cm

SKU: MOBI-G-32rf- Category:


Aluminium peel with rectangular perforated head. It has a special and exclusive Gimetal treatment, G.H.A – GOLDEN HARD ANODIZING that makes it more hard-wearing, sliding, and hygienic. Perforated to reduce weight and allow removal of excess flour. G.H.A. is a special treatment of Japanese origin, it’s an anode oxidation with subsequent sealing of the micro-pores using silver ions, resulting in an aluminum alloy with superlative performance and characteristics.
•  Long lasting.  Resistance  to  corrosion,  scratches,  impacts and wear
•  Heat  resistance.  3  times  greater  than  anodised aluminium
•  Easy-sliding. Very low friction coefficient
•  Hygienic. High antibacterial and anti-mould capacity.


The G.H.A. treatment is an exclusive of Gi.Metal for the pizza world.

The holes reduce the friction, the quantity of flour in excess and the weight of the

The flexibility of the peel head together with the frontal milling facilitate the scraper
effect: the peel flexes to half creating a perfect adherence between the peel
and the prep table that facilitates the taking hold of the pizza.

The strengthening on the head stiffen the peel guaranteeing stability and the taking
hold of the heaviest pizzas

The three rivets in line guarantee complete safety and no movement, see the rivets
used in aeronautics as junction for the metallic plates

The handle in oval tubular guarantees a good taking, while the inside veining guarantees
an extreme resistance